EMIC Fellowship

Networking, mentorship, and the opportunity to work on pressing issues in Emergency Medicine and healthcare innovation.

  • Receive mentorship from EMIC physicians, including one primary mentor assigned to guide their project development.

  • Learn about different challenges in EM.

  • Meet like-minded colleagues who will be future leaders in EM.


  • Select a project and propose a solution by the end of their term. Solutions will be presented as (1) a slide deck and (2) an editorial, which can be submitted to journals, magazines, or the EMIC website.

  • Fellows participate in other ad-hoc projects, including maintenance of a resource hub, internships, fellowships, and opportunities, and writing blog posts about specific innovations and takeaways for others.

  • Additional requirements and information can be found in the syllabus.


Medical Students and Emergency Medicine (EM) Residents


Voluntary fellowship program to engage medical trainees interested in EM with solving problems that face emergency departments and providers every day.


Remote from any location.


Annual fellowship starts on January 15 and concludes in the first week of December.

Current Fellow

Neil Bhavsar

New York Presbyterian Hospital

Past Fellows

Ryan Leone

Institution: Columbia University
Projects: EMIC Fellowship Development;
Innovation Opportunity Directory

Highlighted Fellow Projects

  • AI4EM

    A resource hub for materials related to AI in healthcare and its applications to EM (Connor Grant, MD)